10 Horror Movies That Make Silence Terrifying

9. The Descent

The Crawlers Aren T The REAL Killers In The Descent THUMB

Claustrophobia is a common fear, and watching The Descent makes it easy to see why.

This Neil Marshall film follows a group of friends who go on an expedition to an uncharted cave and become trapped underground. Getting lost is something we can all relate too: just hopefully not on this level.

Alone, this is enough for an effective horror film, with being stuck miles underground an already terrifying experience. It's when the real threat reveals itself that the quiet moments become powerful, though. These caves are full of blind humanoid monsters - Crawlers - out for blood.

The tensest moments come as the friends are hiding from the things and keeping as silent as possible. The fear of seeing one of these monsters lurking in the darkness is enough to put the shivers up anyone. That up-close and personal feeling mixed with the silence of these underground labyrinths is the stuff of nightmares.

This film really makes you appreciate the sun that much more. Do yourself a favour and stick above ground.


A lad and his parrot who have too much time on their hands. I also write short horror stories as well at: https://twitter.com/soon_told