10 Horror Movies That Max Out Your Senses

1. Hush

Hush Movie
Blumhouse Productions

Starring Kate Siegel as deaf and mute Maddie, Hush reverses our expectations for this type of horror movie by positioning us with a protagonist unable to utilise the same senses a larger audience will have at their disposal. Unlike other films that follow a sensory formula, the audience are subject to Maddie's alternative lifestyle - instead aligning most watchers with the murderous intruder that can capitalise on her condition.

It's refreshing to see a movie with a disabled protagonist that gets the best of her attacker, honing her wits against his full set of senses and coming out on top regardless of being able to hear or shout for help. What he assumes as weakness works as a strength, alongside challenging audience presumptions in the process.

There's so many moments where a simple shout could have solved Maddie's situation, whether it be through her own voice or by hearing her friend under duress. Learning about a life where these simplicities are taken for granted is not only eye-opening, but offers a whole new realm of horror. We can see the attacker lurking in the room, we can hear clearly what's going on, but can do nothing to alert the oblivious Maddie.

It's tension crafting at its finest, and stands out against a slew of horror movies that create monsters who can't see or hear by flipping the playing field. By cutting out certain options for senses, all of them get heightened tenfold.

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Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.