10 Horror Movies That Max Out Your Senses

2. The Babadook

Hush Movie
Screen Australia

The Babadook has long been revered as a turning point in modern horror. Encapsulating motherhood and grief whilst straddling a storybook monster come to life, it's a perfectly stylised and carefully crafted allegory for mental health - bringing about as much a life lesson as it does a frightening experience.

In terms of the latter, however, just as much care and due diligence has been given to just how the horrors on screen are presented. Utilising noises and soundtrack that work in much the same way as Sinister, a grating, uncomfortable, and downright unpleasant experience of sound is never far off. Especially when it comes to young son Noah (Samuel Vanek) as he screeches his way through the narrative.

Toying with light and dark, shifting shadows into terrible silhouetted creatures, and combining these with the fight-or-flight inducing noise of 'the babadook' himself, the film becomes something more that a horror story, but truly an experience. Even the visions play on taste, smell, and touch, with glass shards in food and inky black vomit offering more than the staple spooky moments.

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Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.