10 Horror Movies That Max Out Your Senses

3. Raw

Hush Movie
Rogue International

If there's ever a horror film that can make taste a source of fear, it's the visceral cannibal movie Raw. Telling the tale of veterinary student Justine (Garance Marillier) and her desperate bid to fit in, we watch as she tastes raw meat for the first time in her previously wholly-vegetarian life. Developing a taste for flesh in all its forms, it isn't long until fingers, torsos, and even bikini lines become fair game for a midnight snack. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Raw is as visceral as its title suggests, priding itself on old-school body horror combined with an undercurrent of dark humour that comes from exploring such content in a student setting. The gruesome depictions of gory feasts are enough to bring bile up the back of your throat, and feel the texture of flesh in your mouth. It doesn't shy away from the squirm-inducing nature of these things, rather reveling in Justine's discomfort at her new-found compulsion.

We're taken on an uncontrollable journey of blood and guts, and rather than grossing audiences out with spilled abdominal contents, we're subjected to imagining just what they might taste like. Maybe I'll take my finger burger with a bit of mayo, at least.

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Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.