10 Horror Movies That Never Left You
5. The Human Centipede Part II

In The Human Centipede, a mad scientist surgically attaches three people together "ass-to-mouth," creating the most disturbing conga line possible. Although the film developed a cult following, it feels like a concept that could only work once.
But not only does The Human Centipede Part II work (for the most part,) it leaves a far greater impression. The meta-sequel centres around a disturbed security guard called Martin. Martin is utterly obsessed with The Human Centipede, despite the fact it is, in the words of his victims, "only a movie". As his obsession grows, Martin starts kidnapping people, hoping to create a twelve-person centipede.
Even though The Human Centipede was billed as "the movie you'll struggle to watch," many hardcore horror fans didn't find it as gruesome as they expected. The sequel, on the other hand, is guaranteed to leave the most hardened viewers feeling squeamish.
When Martin's creation is assembled during the climax, it feels like the gross factor has peaked. That's when the movie unleashes a multitude of haunting images (especially one involving a newborn baby,) that'll leave viewers rattled for years.