10 Horror Movies That Pissed Off Audiences Straight Away

2. "Retconning" H20 & Killing Laurie - Halloween: Resurrection

saw 3 trap
Dimension Films

Few horror movies have so blatantly flipped the bird at fans than Halloween: Resurrection - aka Halloween: The Search for More Money.

The previous film, Halloween H20: 20 Years Later, ended with the seemingly concrete demise of Michael Myers, as Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis) decapitated him with a fire axe.

The film cut to black literally seconds later, appearing to offer up an emphatic "that's all, folks!" to a franchise that had been running on fumes for years and years.

But Halloween being a horror franchise and all, it was never going to stay dead forever, and so Halloween: Resurrection materialised a few years later.

The film's spectacularly insulting opening sequence commits the offensive double-whammy of effectively retconning H20's ending and killing off the series' beloved heroine.

First off, it's revealed that Michael wasn't actually decapitated in H20, but rather he swapped clothes with a paramedic at the last minute and crushed his larynx so that he couldn't tell Laurie who he was. It's about as embarrassingly contrived as franchise-prolonging ass-pulls get.

Far worse than this, though, was consequently having Laurie lure Michael into a trap in order to finish him off, only for a traumatised Laurie to hesitate and check underneath Michael's mask to ensure it's really him this time.

Of course, this allowed Michael to get the better of Laurie, stab her, and throw her off the roof of the asylum to her death.

In turn, this did enough damage to the franchise that it had to be rebooted by Rob Zombie and then later retooled again with a direct sequel to the original 1978 Halloween, which brought Laurie back from the dead.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.