10 Horror Movies That Should've Scrapped Their Opening Scene

8. Don't Breathe

Evil Dead 2013 Opening
Sony Pictures Releasing

Fede Álvarez is a talented genre filmmaker, though we'll still be seeing two of his movies on this list. 

First up we have the mostly thrilling Don't Breathe, which nevertheless does the laziest thing imaginable for the genre - opening with a context-devoid teaser from a scene later in the movie.

All it does is tell the audience that the director hasn't got faith in the audience to buckle up for the ride and wait for the wild stuff, as Don't Breathe's very first shot shows The Blind Man (Stephen Lang) dragging our unconscious protagonist Rocky (Jane Levy) through the city streets.

It is in fairness an enticing image on its own, except that it robs the movie of considerable suspense later on when Rocky attempts to escape his house, because we know that she's going to get captured soon enough.

Oh, and the fact she's on her own further makes it clear that her fellow thieves, Alex (Dylan Minnette) and Money (Daniel Zovatto), will end up dead, as they do.

Does a movie that's only 88 minutes long really need to pull the in medias res trick? Very little is gained by it in this case.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.