10 Horror Movies That Should've Scrapped Their Opening Scene

4. Tucker & Dale vs. Evil

Evil Dead 2013 Opening
Magnet Releasing

Tucker and Dale vs. Evil is a damn fun time, but in yet another example of filmmakers seemingly getting worried that their real opening wasn't compelling enough, they decided to frontload the film with a basically pointless scene from later in the story.

The scene unfolds in found footage style and shows a reporter and cameraman being attacked and killed by a disfigured man, seemingly teeing up the villain who the titular duo will face off against.

Except, Tucker and Dale vs. Evil isn't really that movie at all - it's primarily about a series of darkly comedic misunderstandings which cause the deaths of a group of college students.

All the same, a villain does eventually emerge - a psychotic member of the college student group, Chad (Jesse Moss), who is seemingly killed at film's end. 

Except, a closing scene reveals that Chad survived, all while we see the reporter and cameraman from the opening scene again, making it clear that a now-disfigured Chad is the one who killed them in that found footage intro.

It would've made way more sense for this scene to just be the actual end of the movie or a post-credits stinger instead of being jarringly and unnecessarily shoved at the beginning.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.