10 Horror Movies That Take Themselves Way Too Seriously

8. Dracula Untold

Final Girl 2015
Universal Pictures

Count Dracula numbers amongst the most formidable fictional villains in pop culture. However, there's a difference between powerful and omnipotent - a distinction that 2014's Dracula Untold unequivocally fails to grasp.

The film's take on the Prince of Darkness is preposterously overpowered, meaning any attempt to cultivate suspense or tension falls completely flat. How are there supposed to be anything resembling stakes within a movie's narrative when the main character can massacre entire armies with less effort than it takes to pass wind?

Adding insult to injury is the litany of poor performances in Dracula Untold, with the film's cast approaching the proceedings with po-faced gravity. The ridiculousness of Dracula Untold's universe could have potentially been overlooked if it had taken a more irreverent or satirical bent, as there's no way to sell the silliness unfolding on screen with a straight face.

Unfortunately, the realization that Gary Shore's vampiric voyage of discovery is devoid of humor soon sinks in. This usually occurs after viewers have taken in the sight of Luke Evans glowering into the camera with the same facial expression for the entire length of the movie.

This is a story that was decidedly better left untold.

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Law graduate with a newly rediscovered passion for writing, mad about film, television, gaming and MMA. Can usually be found having some delightful manner of violence being inflicted upon him or playing with his golden retriever.