10 Horror Movies That Totally Confused You

4. Hagazussa

third part of the night
Forgotten Film Entertainment

The reviews on this movie aren’t too bad, but generally it has received some criticism for being completely nonsensical. Based on old Pagan folklore and beliefs, pretty much everything that happens does have some explanation if you look into it far enough - however, if you are the average person with little to no knowledge of 15th century Paganism then this movie is just a heaped pile of confusion.

Divided into four sections, the film follows the life of protagonist Albrun, a woman who lives in a secluded mountain cabin. After her mother dies, one horrible thing after another unfolds for Albrun against a dark, mountain-range backdrop - all seemingly linked to some kind of witchy supernatural force.

According to the director, Lukas Feigelfeld, “the film tries to depict a very personal and empathetic mental image of a nightmarish and sick mind”, and as you would expect, said mind doesn’t tell an easy to follow story. As soon as you get psychedelics involved, things are guaranteed to get a bit crazy. Not that this film needed any more of a push towards insanity anyway...

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