10 Horror Movies That Totally Screwed Characters

2. Allison Kerry - Saw III

Saw 3

The entire conceit of the Saw movies is that Jigsaw (Tobin Bell) places people who don't appreciate their lives into elaborate, potentially deadly traps in order to prove that they "deserve" to live.

The point is that these horrific traps are supposed to present the "participant" with a fair possibility of survival, so when fan favourite character Detective Kerry (Dina Meyer) found herself hooked up to a trap in Saw III, most expected she'd find a way to escape.

But despite completing the trap successfully by retrieving a key from a vat of acid, Kerry isn't freed, and the trap ends up tearing out her ribcage, killing her instantly.

Fans were mad as hell, especially as it was eventually revealed that the game was rigged to be unwinnable by Jigsaw's disgruntled apprentice Amanda (Shawnee Smith).

Kerry deserved so much better, and clearly should've stuck around for the long haul given how smart and competent she showed herself to be.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.