10 Horror Movies That Tricked You Into Rooting For The Monster

8. Trick 'R Treat

Werewolves Within
Warner Bros.

Michael Dougherty's cult classic horror anthology Trick 'r Treat leads us to believe that young out-of-towner Laurie (Anna Paquin) is going to fall victim to school principal-slash-serial killer Steven Wilkins (Dylan Baker).

Given Laurie's apparent innocence, typified by her Little Red Riding Hood Halloween costume, we of course want to see her turn the tables on Wilkins and fend him off in satisfyingly brutal fashion.

And while that happens, it does so in a totally unexpected way, given that Laurie, her sister, and her friends are all revealed to be werewolves. 

At it turns out, this was Laurie's first time looking for a victim, and in seeking out someone who deserved it, she's settled on Wilkins. 

A petrified Wilkins is helpless to do anything as Laurie enthusiastically devours him, again proving how deceiving appearances can be. 

At least in Laurie's case, she's a monster who, rather than prey on an innocent bystander, found someone who was basically asking for it.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.