10 Horror Movies That Tricked You Into Rooting For The Monster

4. Under The Skin

Werewolves Within
Studio Canal

Now to be completely fair, Under the Skin's alien protagonist (Scarlett Johansson) does some pretty gnarly things throughout the movie, namely luring unsuspecting men to their doom with the promise of sex, and in one unforgettable scene leaving a victim's baby to their own devices on a beach.

But a lot of the alien's actions are mitigated by their utter lack of maliciousness - the alien is simply acting on instinct and a desire to feed, while Jonathan Glazer's filmmaking considers how completely bizarre humanity and its associated rituals would seem to an outside observer.

And so, when the alien is attacked by a man in the film's climax who initially appears to be friendly, it's tough not to root for her to make short work of this predator. Humans really are trash after all.

Sadly that's not how things turn out, as the logger ends up setting her alien body on fire.

And yet, for all of the innocent men she killed throughout the film, it was easy to root for her in her final confrontation. Having the part be played with a sly vulnerability by Scarlett Johansson sure didn't hurt, either.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.