10 Horror Movies That Tricked You Into Rooting For The Monster

5. Deep Blue Sea

Werewolves Within
Warner Bros

One common sentiment among fans of Deep Blue Sea is that the female lead, Dr. Susan McCallister (Saffron Burrows), is decidedly more unlikeable than the film thinks she is.

Given the part she played in causing the genetically engineered sharks to start running riot, many felt duty-bound to root for the sharks to gobble her up by film's end.

"I don't care who else lives or dies, I just need that damn shark to tear that lady eight ways to Sunday", we all felt watching Deep Blue Sea for the first time. 

This was a sentiment also shared by test audiences, because in the original cut of the film, Susan actually made it to the end in one piece. 

But when test screening feedback literally begged the filmmakers to, quote, "Kill the b*tch," director Renny Harlin shot a new ending where Susan is munched to death by the shark.

Even accepting that the film's other main characters are decidedly more likeable - namely Thomas Jane's Carter Blake and LL Cool J's Preacher - Susan had such an offputting air about her that she alone made it easy to pull for the sharks.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.