10 Horror Movies That Turned Wimps Into Total Badasses

8. Sarah Bailey - The Craft

Jennifer's Body
Columbia Pictures

Whilst wimp feels quite harsh to be dishing out on a lot of these characters, Sarah is definitely soft-spoken, reclusive, and struggling to connect at the beginning of the movie, only opening up when she meets a gang of girls that are embroiled with witchcraft.

Together, Sarah and her three newfound pals unlock powers unlike anything they'd thought possible previously, and subsequently fall into a dark spiral when forces outside of their control begin to take effect. That's what happens when you start messing with magic though, eh?

And whilst at the end of the movie the rest of her coven falls into obscurity, it soon becomes clear that Sarah was the one channeling this power all along - the overwhelmingly strong force of nature that brought the other girls' powers to the forefront.

Without her, they're nothing. Sarah learns this by the end of the movie after suffering through all sorts of torment at the hands of her ex-friends, growing stronger with each attack on her psyche and funnelling it all back into her own newfound surety. And in contrast, they're left shunned by their god Manon in the process. Justice is sweet.


Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.