10 Horror Movies That Turned Wimps Into Total Badasses

7. Anita "Needy" Lesnicki - Jennifer's Body

Jennifer's Body
20th Century Fox

With a name like Needy, it's pretty much spelled out that you're not doing so well on the badass scale. Someone with their priorities in check would be called something cool and edgy like Ripper or Stabby or Vigilante or the likes, but poor old Needy is stuck with a nickname that very clearly belies her clingy nature.

At least her best friend Jennifer has the good nature to bring it up at every opportunity by branding it her in the first place - though I guess you can do what you want when you're Megan Fox...

Amanda Seyfried's Needy is exactly what she says on the tin for the most part, worrying and fussing over her popular cheerleader pal whilst remaining a shy and self-conscious staple in the background. As the film goes on and Jennifer takes a hold of her succubus powers however, Needy is forced to step up and take control - eventually brawling with Jennifer before stabbing her in the heart with a box cutter, and taking on her supernatural abilities in the process.

Needy then breaks out of a psychiatric institution and goes on to wreak havoc on the d*ckhead band that caused this whole mess in the first place.

Everyone needs a friend like Needy.


Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.