10 Horror Movies That Unbelievably Cut What We Wanted To See

7. The Ancient Ones - The Cabin In The Woods

saw trip

The Cabin in the Woods ends with the shocking revelation that the various movie-esque scenarios have actually been rituals intended to satiate a race of evil deities living beneath the Earth known as the Ancient Ones.

Thoroughly pissed off at having been used as pawns to complete the latest ritual, Dana (Kristen Connolly) and Marty (Fran Kranz) decide that humanity doesn't deserve their sacrifice, and so instead spark up a joint as they await the end of the world.

In the film's final shot, the lab and the cabin are destroyed by a gigantic hand that bursts out of the ground, signifying the apparent apocalypse as the Ancient Ones rise up.

However, in an all-timer case of cinematic blue balls, we never get to see more than the subterranean entity's hand, leaving audiences to ponder what the hell these things really look like.

Ultimately this was probably more a budgetary decision than anything, but it sure would've been nice to catch even a single fleeting glimpse of an Ancient One in full profile.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.