10 Horror Movies That Unbelievably Cut What We Wanted To See

6. David Kills Shaw - Alien: Covenant

saw trip
20th Century Fox

Alien: Covenant caught a lot of flak for steering too far away from Prometheus in an attempt to be a more conventional, fan-friendly Alien sequel, and this extended to kicking Prometheus' protagonist, Elizabeth Shaw (Noomi Rapace), out of the story altogether.

Though Shaw was initially intended to reprise her role in a full-on Prometheus sequel called Paradise, ultimately the decision was made to rework the movie into a bridging vessel of-sorts between Prometheus and Alien.

And so Shaw was no longer the protagonist, though when Rapace was confirmed to still be appearing in the film, most fans assumed she would show up in Covenant's third act in order to help Daniels (Katherine Waterston) and the other survivors.

But instead, Shaw only appeared physically in a prequel video released online shortly before Covenant hit cinemas.

In the film itself, we eventually see her corpse, having been murdered and experiment upon by the malevolent android David (Michael Fassbender).

Shaw's death was always going to bum fans out, but at least there was hope that she'd sacrifice herself in order to save the remaining crew of the Covenant.

Instead, we never even got to see her death on-screen, which felt like an insanely cheap cop-out for a likeable character, especially as Rapace had agreed to come back and all. Baffling isn't even the word.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.