10 Horror Movies That Unbelievably Cut What We Wanted To See

4. Burt Gummer Runs Out Of Ammo - Tremors 2: Aftershocks

saw trip
Universal Home Video

Tremors 2: Aftershocks may not quite live up to the campy fun of the original, but as straight-to-video sequels go, it's practically miraculous, in large part due to the supporting presence of hilarious survivalist Burt Gummer (Michael Gross), who became the series' protagonist for all future sequels.

Gummer's most memorable scene in Tremors 2 occurs in the third act, when he returns from being ambushed by the Shriekers the night before and meets back up with the other survivors.

At this point, a grubby, bloody, and very pissed off Burt explains what happened to him by way of a now-legendary monologue:

"Well, when the radios went down I decided to return to the refinery, but en route, I find I'm in an ambush situation! Must have been a couple dozen of these things! Well, I dropped the first wave with semi-auto fire, but they just kept on coming. Sheer luck most of them were in front of the truck, so I just popped it into six-wheel and ran 'em down. The ones that got on board I handled with a combination of small-arms fire and hand-to-hand techniques. I am completely. Out. Of ammo. That's never happened to me before."

As fantastic as Gross' delivery is here, there isn't a Tremors fan alive who wouldn't have preferred to actually see Burt doing everything he just described.

Considering this sequel's budget was just 40% of the original film and numerous planned action sequences had to be scrapped, it's safe to assume that Burt's battle was probably one of them.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.