10 Horror Movies That Unbelievably Cut What We Wanted To See

3. Georgie & Gabe Explode - Ready Or Not

saw trip
Fox Searchlight

Ready or Not is one of the most satisfying horror films of the last few years, where new bride Grace Le Domas (Samara Weaving) finds herself being hunted by her husband's extended family as part of a ritual.

If Grace can evade her pursuers until dawn, the ritual will apparently kill them all, and at film's end, we learn in hilariously bloody fashion just how true that is.

No, the Le Domas family don't just drop dead on the spot at sunrise, but rather violently explode from the inside one by one, their blood splattering anyone in the vicinity.

The ritual also takes no prisoners, as among the exploded victims are Fitch (Kristian Bruun) and Emilie's (Melanie Scrofano) two young sons, Georgie and Gabe.

Though Georgie did in fairness try to kill Grace earlier in the film, it's still shocking that he, his brother, and their mother all simultaneously explode into piles of gore.

It's just a shame, then, that they conveniently run out of the room seconds before dying, meaning we're denied the money shot of the kids bursting open and only get to see a spray of blood from the doorway.

Obviously killing children in any film is risky, but considering Ready or Not's blackly comedic tone, it wouldn't have felt even remotely out of place. One suspects this was a studio note that the filmmakers begrudgingly went along with.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.