10 Horror Movies That Unbelievably Cut What We Wanted To See

2. The Full Blood Orgy - Event Horizon

saw trip

Paul W.S. Anderson's cult classic sci-fi horror film Event Horizon boasts one of the most amusingly genre-savvy moments in cinema history, when the astronauts exploring the desolate titular spaceship stumble across a video log of the original crew participating in what can only be described as a "bloody orgy."

The brief-but-nauseating montage shows an assembly of images of sexual violence and mutilation, the crew having evidently lost their minds after opening a portal to hell. Ever the smart man, Captain Miller (Laurence Fishburne) responds by bluntly telling his fellow astronauts, "We're leaving."

Anderson has spoken extensively about how thoroughly Event Horizon was chopped up in post-production to deliver a more palatable product for mainstream audiences, and this resulted in a greatly extended version of the blood orgy scene being left on the cutting room floor.

A few years ago, special effects supervisor Dave Bonneywell clarified the full extent of what was originally planned. The script even detailed a woman eating her own baby, though this was cut before shooting started.

As for what was actually filmed? A man pulling his own intestines out through his mouth, another man getting a spike rammed through his head and knocking out his teeth, a woman having screws drilled into her teeth and gums, a man's legs being smashed to pieces with steel bars, a woman's arm getting snapped off, and another woman having her breasts ripped off.

It's easy to see why this left the studio twitchy, but given the cult fandom surrounding the film and the many who would love to see the full uncut scene, it's a damn shame it's never made its way into a Director's Cut.

Though much of the original cut material was unearthed a few years ago in a Transylvanian salt mine, sadly it was in such decrepit condition as to be unsuitable for general release.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.