10 Horror Movies That Weirdly Made Characters Look Like Idiots

9. Russell Franklin - Deep Blue Sea

I Know What You Did Last Summer
Warner Bros.

Sometimes characters just give off survivor vibes in every fiber of their being, and that's certainly true of Deep Blue Sea's Russell Franklin (Samuel L. Jackson).

A corporate executive with some serious balls, Franklin is a confident, forthright man who isn't afraid to speak up and put people in their place when necessary, such as when he delivers an unforgettably rousing mid-film speech to rally the remaining survivors.

Except that, his mental clarity apparently didn't extend to standing far away from an open pool which the facility's genetically engineered sharks would definitely have access to.

And so, just as Franklin's speech reaches its fist-pumping crescendo, one of the sharks dives out of the pool, takes a giant bite out of him, and drags him down into the watery depths, killing him instantly.

For as much of a survivor's mindset as Franklin had, his spatial awareness of his own facility was ultimately fatally lacking. As unexpected movie deaths go, though, it's a solid gold all-timer.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.