10 Horror Movies That Weirdly Made Characters Look Like Idiots

3. James "One" Shade - Resident Evil

I Know What You Did Last Summer
Screen Gems

The original Resident Evil film introduces a large roster of meaty snacks for Raccoon City's undead horde to feast upon, yet by far the most competent character in the movie is James "One" Shade (Colin Salmon), a commando leading a team of elite soldiers tasked with shutting down Umbrella's rogue AI, the Red Queen (Michaela Dicker).

One maintains a steady cool throughout the mission, keeps the rest of the characters in check, and appears to be incredibly well-prepared for the fight ahead.

And so, when he and his team end up trapped in a hallway leading to the Red Queen's chamber, where a series of red-hot lasers are fired at them, it seems reasonable to believe that he'll be the sole survivor.

One's teammates are cut down one by one until he's the only one left (no pun intended), but the Red Queen's next phase of attack involves firing a box-grid of lasers along the hallway which are seemingly impossible to escape, all while Kaplan (Martin Crewes) attempts to hack the room from the outside.

And yet, rather than back up to the very end of the room to give Kaplan the maximum amount of time to save his life, One stays stood at least six feet in front of the door.

Though Kaplan does manage to deactivate the lasers, it still ends up passing through One and cutting him into meaty chunks. If he'd stood back even a couple of feet, he would've made it.

What a supremely stupid move for an otherwise switched-on, situation-aware character.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.