10 Horror Movies That Weirdly Made Characters Look Like Idiots

4. Melanie Daniels - The Birds

I Know What You Did Last Summer

In the case of Alfred Hitchcock's suspense classic The Birds, the stupidity was palpable enough that even the actress playing the character put up a firm protest about it.

Socialite Melanie Daniels (Tippi Hedren) is at the epicenter of the terrifying, violent bird attacks tacking place in California, and has seen first hand the fatal damage the animals can cause.

Hell, late in the film she even witnesses near-catastrophe when a fleet of the birds almost breaks into the Brenners' barricaded home where she's holed up.

Once this terror passes, though, Melanie hears a fluttering sound in the attic bedroom and, rather than alert the other survivors, bafflingly decides to venture to the attic on her own.

To the surprise of no-one but apparently Melanie herself, upon opening the door she's attacked by the birds to the point of near-death, prompting the others to risk their own lives dragging her bloodied body out.

Gee, who couldn't've seen that result coming?

Apparently actress Tippi Hedren, who even asked Hitchcock why Melanie would do something so stupid, to which Hitch replied, "Because I tell you to."


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.