10 Horror Movies That Were Way Weirder Than Advertised

5. Army Of The Dead

Army Of The Dead

It speaks volumes about how bizarre Zack Snyder's Army of the Dead is when one considers that a heist film set in Las Vegas during a zombie apocalypse still manages to come off as way more peculiar than initially advertised.

Army of the Dead's premise gives Snyder carte blanche in the context of unbridled insanity, and the veteran director does not disappoint. Be it the mindbending intimations of extraterrestrial influence and time travel or the recreation of iconic movie scenes with an undead twist, the director throws any guidelines pertaining to sanity or logic firmly out of the window in short order.

However, the Dave Bautista-led enterprise's weirdest aspect is undoubtedly the end product. For such certifiable subject matter, Snyder somehow manages to produce a darkly engrossing drama possessing surprising emotional weight. Despite the bonkers narrative and far-fetched set pieces, the audience soon finds themselves deeply invested in the core group of characters' fates - due in no small part to the film's impressive ensemble cast.

Fans showed up for the weirdness but stayed for Army of the Dead's memorable characters, riveting action sequences and gruesome helpings of gore. A masterclass in using a movie's promotional material to subvert viewer's expectations.

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Law graduate with a newly rediscovered passion for writing, mad about film, television, gaming and MMA. Can usually be found having some delightful manner of violence being inflicted upon him or playing with his golden retriever.