10 Horror Movies That Were Way Weirder Than Advertised

6. Mandy

Army Of The Dead
RLJE Films

Starring the inimitable Nicholas Cage, Mandy might just be the wackiest revenge story out there. The 2018 action horror follows the tale of Red Miller, a lumberjack who sees his beloved girlfriend - the eponymous Mandy - murdered before his very eyes.

On the surface, Mandy sounds like just another payback story with a dash of horror. However, viewers soon realise what a bizarre experience they are in for with the introduction of the film's villains, the Children of the New Dawn and the Black Skulls - an unhinged religious cult and a group of demonic, cannibalistic bikers respectively.

Adding an even weirder aura to proceedings, Mandy utilises the hallucinogenic effects of psychedelic drugs to make the viewing experience even more mind-bending. The Black Skulls use a highly potent form of LSD - Red accidentally imbibes said substance during his ultra-violent revenge spree. Accordingly, his rampage plays out in a horrifyingly otherwordly - and entertaining - manner.

Fright fans might have had an inkling that Mandy was going to be weird. It seems unlikely that they were aware that it was going to be the "bloodsoaked Nicholas Cage gleefully crushing cult skulls with his bare hands while tripping his nuts off on LSD" category of weird.

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Law graduate with a newly rediscovered passion for writing, mad about film, television, gaming and MMA. Can usually be found having some delightful manner of violence being inflicted upon him or playing with his golden retriever.