10 Horror Movies Where The Hero ALMOST Won

1. Smile

Smile Movie
Paramount Pictures

Smile kicks off with therapist Rose Cotter speaking with college student Laura, who claims to be haunted by a smiling demon. Dismissing those claims at first, Rose is horrified when Laura starts leering at her before killing herself.

As traumatic as this incident is for Rose, it's the only the beginning of her problems. When she sees grinning faces everywhere she goes, the good doctor realises the Smile Entity is stalking her.

Learning the Smile Entity feeds off trauma, Rose realises the malevolent spirit has attached itself to her since she saw her mother die. Rose also discovers the demon drives its victims to suicide and transfers the curse onto any witnesses.

To avoid passing the curse on, Rose decides to stay in her mother's abandoned and isolated house. Refusing to give up, the dark spirit hopes to break Rose by taking a monstrous form of her mother.

Luckily, Rose stands her ground, telling the Smiling Entity it has no power over her before burning it to a crisp. Breathing a sigh of relief, Rose heads to the apartment of her friend, Joel.

But when Joel makes a grimacing smirk, Rose realises the nightmare isn't over. While she's vulnerable, the Entity possesses Rose's body, destroying her spirit.

Somehow, it gets worse. As Joel bursts in to rescue her, the now smiling Rose burns herself alive, killing herself. Since Joel witnessed her demise, the curse passes onto him, allowing the Smile Entity to continue its murder spree indefinitely.

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