10 Horror Movies Where The Hero ALMOST Won

2. The Omen

Smile Movie

In The Omen, respected diplomat Robert Thorn is going about his day when he discovers his five-year-old son Damien is actually the Antichrist. Even though Damien is destined to usher in Armageddon, Robert can't bring himself to kill the boy. But when Damien slaughters Robert's friends and allies, he acknowledges the fate of humanity lies with him ending the child's life.

Realising Damien can only be slain by the Megiddo daggers while on hallowed ground, Robert drives his son to a church and prepares to perform the deed. Little does Robert know that his erratic driving gets the attention of the police, causing several officers to follow him.

Just as Robert is about to slay Damien, the boy yells, "Please, Daddy, no!". There is so much terror and desperation in Damien's voice, Robert can't help but hesitate.

Although Damien's pleas only stall Robert for a few seconds, it gives the police enough time to catch up with them, and order Robert to stand down. When Robert refuses, the officers are left with no choice but to shoot him dead.

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