10 Horror Movies Where The Monster Isn't The Villain

4. The Fly II

Shutter 2004
20th Century Fox

In David Cronenberg's The Fly, Seth Brundle urged his partner to kill him after a teleporting accident transformed him into a fly monster. The Fly II revolves around his son, Martin, who shares his father's hybrid DNA.

Though Martin appears ordinary at first, his fly genes make him age rapidly, causing him to reach adulthood before his fifth birthday. When he's shown to have superhuman intelligence, he's adopted by Anton Bartok, who financed Seth's teleportation experiments. Unable to replicate Seth's work himself, Bartok hopes Martin will figure it out.

Even though Martin sees Bartok as family, the feeling isn't mutual. When Martin starts turning into a fly, Bartok confesses he has no intention of curing him. Once the telepod is operational, Bartok is prepared to sell Martin to a genetics corporation, where he'll be experimented on to his dying day.

So, when Martin finally metamorphoses into a fly-beast and begins crushing skulls and melting faces, you can't really blame him. Despite his horrifying appearance, there's no doubt Martin is the hero. It's also deeply satisfying when Martin successfully transfers his fly DNA to Bartok, turning him into an abominable beast - though Bartok was a monster long before he looked like one.

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