10 Horror Movies Where The Monster Isn't The Villain

3. I Am Legend (Alternate Ending)

Shutter 2004

I Am Legend centres around a re-engineered virus that turns most of humanity into vampiric creatures known as Darkseekers. Every day, scientist Robert Neville performs experiments, hoping to find a cure.

Going by the theatrical cut, Neville is a textbook hero, going so far as to sacrifice himself to save a woman and her child he barely knows. However, the alternate ending of the movie paints a very different picture as in the final scene a horde of Darkseekers burst into Neville's lab, seemingly to kill him. 

Here, Neville realises the alpha is only there to rescue his mate, who Neville experimented on to find the cure. After returning her, the Darkseekers head back to their den. In that moment, Neville understands that the Darkseekers have been victims this entire time and only wanted to live in peace. As he looks at photos of his former test subjects, Neville realises he hadn't been experimenting on mindless monsters, but compassionate and intelligent human beings.

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