10 Horror Movies Which Refused To Give Fans What They Came For

8. Doug Bradley As Pinhead - Hellraiser: Revelations


Up until the recent reboot, Hellraiser fans had basically suffered through all of the terrible sequels because, at least for a while, they still starred the ever-brilliant Doug Bradley in the role of Cenobite leader Pinhead.

Bradley played Pinhead in the first eight Hellraiser movies, but opted not to return for 2011's Hellraiser: Revelations due to the project's low budget and rushed production.

With a mere $300,000 price tag, Revelations was hastily developed by The Weinstein Company to prevent them from losing the rights to Hellraiser, and by God, it shows.

Even typically open-minded and forgiving Hellraiser fans couldn't help but cringe at the painfully wonky production values and, worst of all, Bradley being replaced in the Pinhead role by Stephan Smith Collins.

Unaided by the paltry budget, Collins' turn as Pinhead couldn't hold a candle to Bradley's, ensuring that this appalling sequel lacked even the basic, fleeting thrill of seeing a legendary actor reprising the role he was seemingly born to play.

Bradley was then replaced by Paul T. Taylor on the next sequel, Hellraiser: Judgment, before the bigger-budget recent reboot swapped him out for Jamie Clayton - with far more satisfying results.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.