10 Horror Movies Which Refused To Give Fans What They Came For

7. Amanda Becomes The New Jigsaw - Saw III


Saw III made it incredibly clear from the outset that it would be the final Saw movie to directly feature Jigsaw aka John Kramer (Tobin Bell), given that he was imminently due to succumb to his cancer.

His apprentice Amanda Young (Shawnee Smith) was neatly teed up to take over the Jigsaw mantle, and considering that Amanda was ingeniously revealed to be his secret apprentice at the end of Saw II, passing the baton to her felt like a relatively organic way to keep the series going.

But Saw III ultimately went in another direction entirely, focusing on Amanda veering away from Jigsaw's philosophy and instead rigging traps to "unfairly" kill Kramer's test subjects.

Worse still Amanda dies at the end, which were this the final Saw film might've been fine, but given that the series is currently prepping its tenth entry, it left the franchise scrambling to fill the void left by both Kramer and Amanda.

As the series has offered up a slew of underwhelming apprentice characters ever since, it's safe to say that establishing Amanda as the new Jigsaw would've made much more sense. Instead, she never got the opportunity to become an iconic female horror villain in her own right.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.