10 Horror Movies Which Refused To Give Fans What They Came For

6. An Army Of Alices - Resident Evil: Afterlife

Screen Gems

The third Resident Evil film, while hardly great in its own right, at least ended with one hell of an insane, even tantalising hook for the inevitable fourth movie.

In the final scene, hero Alice (Milla Jovovich) reveals that she and an army of her own clones are preparing to launch an assault against the villainous Albert Wesker (Jason O'Mara), as set quite the stage for the next film, Resident Evil: Afterlife.

But alas, Afterlife totally and utterly screwed the pooch where that enticingly deranged sequel hook was concerned, by burning through it in record time like it meant nothing.

Though Afterlife does begin with the awesomely surreal sight of Alice and her clones attacking the Umbrella HQ, the opening set-piece ends with Wesker destroying the facility and, in turn, killing all the Alice clones, leaving only the original alive.

In its first 15 minutes, Afterlife raced through an idea that could've sustained the entire movie: Alice and her squad of clones kicking ass and taking names. Instead, perhaps for budgetary reasons, it got shaken off like a bad habit.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.