10 Horror Movies With Amazing Concepts But TERRIBLE Execution

9. The Deep House

Antlers Movie

The Deep House follows a pair of YouTubers - wait for it - who end up investigating a mansion submerged in an artificial lake. Said mansion contains untold horrors and, with a dwindling oxygen supply, threatens to become the duo's watery grave forever more.

On paper, this really should've been a slam dunk - thalassophobia (a fear of deep water) is one of the most common phobias there is, and a waterlogged haunted house movie is quite unlike anything horror fans had heard of before.

Yet once the allure of its atmospheric setting wears off, all that's left is a pair of irritating lead characters, tons of leaden dialogue, muddy visuals, and cheap jump scares.

It's clear that the filmmakers felt the concept was enticing enough that they didn't need to populate most of the movie's actual runtime with thrilling content. Ironically, once the central characters get into the water, The Deep House basically drowns itself in a bog of boredom.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.