10 Horror Movies With Amazing Concepts But TERRIBLE Execution

4. Army Of The Dead

Antlers Movie

Credit where credit is due, Zack Snyder at least came up with a unique hook for a new zombie movie, by making it an undead heist film set in the heart of Las Vegas.

Couple this with a killer ensemble cast and a permissive R rating, and it seemed like Snyder - who, remember, delivered a solid remake of Dawn of the Dead against considerable odds - had everything he needed to deliver a diverting zombie movie.

Except a good script, that is.

Army of the Dead is, to be kind, a mess - a brutally overlong 148-minute slog where Snyder seemingly threw every errant, half-sketched idea he had into the mix. 

Despite the bursts of entertainingly grisly action, protagonist Kate (Ella Purnell) is absolutely maddening, and Snyder's decision to shoot the entire movie on a razor-thin blade of focus proved more distracting and frustrating than artistically distinct.

A sequel, Planet of the Dead, is nevertheless in development, though given the mediocre viewing figures for Snyder's recent Rebel Moon duology, would it shock anyone if it never came to pass?

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.