10 Horror Movies With The WORST Killer Reveals

7. Black Christmas (2006) - Agnes

Prom Night 1980
Dimension Films

This ghastly remake of the terrific early slasher film Black Christmas (1974) makes many huge mistakes; one of the biggest is giving the killer, who was entirely unseen in the original, an unnecessary backstory about an abusive, incestuous family. That was bad enough, but throwing in a completely pointless second killer made it all even worse.

As well as the main murderer, Billy, his sister/daughter Agnes is also killing off a group of luckless Sorority girls. With slasher films, it is generally better just to have one killer as two or more murderers tends to feel like an overload, which was certainly the case here.

Agnes is also not only a thoroughly cliched and dull villain, but all the stuff about incest was just too much and veered right into shock for shock's sake territory. The right approach would've been to, firstly, just have Billy doing the murders and secondly, not give him any backstory at all. That's part of what made other killers like the original's unidentified killer and Michael Myers work.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.