10 Horror Movies With The WORST Killer Reveals

6. Happy Death Day 2U - Gregory Butler

Prom Night 1980

While Happy Death Day was a horror comedy, Happy Death Day 2U (the highly unsuccessful sequel) was more of a science-fiction film and the masked killer faded into irrelevance. Still, there was a big reveal at the end and it sucked hard.

In the original, protagonist Tree's roommate Lori was the killer (which was a far better twist) who repeatedly murdered Tree in the time-loop she was trapped in, but this movie takes place in an alternative dimension (with another time-loop) in which someone else is trying to kill Tree: Dr Gregory Butler.

Butler was the professor Tree was having an affair with in the first film and this motivated a jealous Lori to kill her, while in this reality Butler is going after Tree to cover up their affair.

This was a terrible choice of villain, since Butler is an uninteresting character and he felt like the laziest, most obvious pick for the new murderer. This is another sad reminder about just how little this sequel cared about the horror elements, instead settling for a cliched multi-verse story-line.

A far better choice for the killer would've been one of the other students, especially Danielle, Tree's hilariously obnoxious sorority colleague.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.