10 Horror Movies With Unexpectedly Ridiculous Plot Twists

4. The Secret Apprentice - Jigsaw

Wish Upon

It’s difficult to write about horror movie plot twists and not feature an entry from the Saw franchise. The juggernaut of a saga contains more twists and turns than David Bowie’s Goblin King home, with some being marvellous and some being…less so.

Jigsaw was something of a soft reboot of the saga, teasing a return of the legendary John Kramer despite his death several years prior. Fans were speculating for months before the film finally came out and were met with a very strange twist.

Firstly, the film turned out to be a prequel to the entire Saw story, set years before our first lovely encounter in that equally lovely bathroom. Alright, we can cope with this. However, a completely unimportant character called Logan Nelson is actually Jigsaw’s first apprentice. Taking the title away from one of the saga’s most iconic and beloved characters, Amanda Young, left a bad taste in the mouths of Saw fans. Ridiculous yes, and probably quite misguided.


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