10 Horror Movies You Didn't Know Nearly Happened

9. Ralph Bakshi's Original Cool World Story

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An adult-centric animation pioneer, Ralph Bakshi is well-known for classics such as his 1976 Lord of the Rings film, Fritz the Cat, Wizards and Cool World. The latter is seen as a cult classic today but during its release this was far from the case. A critical and commerical bomb, the live-action/animation hybrid's tumultous development saw Bakshi retire from making theatrical releases.

While the film is considered to be more boundary-pushing than something in the vein of Roger Rabbit, Bakshi's original version was far more grotesque in its thematic content and execution. In the beginning, the famed director envisioned Garbriel Byrne's Jack Deebs creating Kim Basinger's Holli Would (here named Debbie Dallas) and then proceeding to have sex with her and father a child with his creation.

Said child, a cartoon/human hybrid, would grow up to resent Deebs for abandoning it and would embark on a global trip to exact its revenge. Despite Paramount initially accepting Bakshi's pitch, the story was changed to something resembling the final product, a decision that greatly angered the filmmaker.

In addition to story changes, the studio opted for a PG-13 rating as opposed to Bakshi's preferred R-rating. The experience pushed the director into retirement from the theatrical realm and he is now focused on his art gallery, far removed from the demands of Tinseltown.


David Ng'ethe hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.