10 Horror Movies You Expected To Suck (But Were Totally Awesome)

4. Evil Dead Rise

Ready or Not Samara Weaving
Warner Bros.

Since its inception, Sam Raimi's directing style and Bruce Campbell's goofy antics have been firmly entrenched in the Evil Dead saga. As such, it feels like the zomcom series couldn't work without the duo attached.

Sadly, this was seemingly confirmed with the 2013's Evil Dead. It wasn't a terrible remake, but would've benefitted being a separate IP, since it didn't feel faithful to the source material.

To the disappointment of many, Raimi or Campbell were absent once again in the latest instalment, Evil Dead Rise. Fans were also annoyed how the film took place in an apartment building, instead of a cabin. Because the cabin is pivotal in Evil Dead lore, the latest outing sounded like Evil Dead in name only.

Fortunately, Rise maintains everything which made the franchise special, and cranks them up to 11. The gore manages to look gorgeous and wince-inducingly painful. CGI is minimal, so there's no fake-looking effects that take you out of the movie. Callbacks to the originals are respected, but not forced. Also, viewers will struggle to think of a cooler title reveal.

If any element of Evil Dead Rise deserves to be singled out, it's Alyssa Sutherland's performance as Ellie. After turning into a crazed Deadite, Ellie gains a new ability, allowing her to steal every scene. Whether she's chomping eyeballs or unleashing glass-shattering screams, Sutherland owns every shot she's in. Her deranged and gleeful manner isn't just entertaining, it perfectly captures the essence of the original.


James Egan has written 80 books including 1000 Facts about Superheroes Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts about Horror Movies Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts about The Greatest Films Ever Made Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts about Video Games Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts about TV Shows Vol. 1-3 Twitter - @jameswzegan85