10 Horror Movies You Expected To Suck (But Were Totally Awesome)

3. It Follows

Ready or Not Samara Weaving
Northern Light Films

In It Follows, a young woman called Jay learns she has been cursed by a sexual encounter. As she's hunted by a shapeshifting entity, Jay realises she must sleep with someone else to escape her fate.

Based off this "killer STD" premise, one could mistake It Follows for a parody (or possibly a porno). Sharing the same narrative as The Ring further implied this mystery thriller didn't offer any fresh ideas.

Defying expectations, It Follows is among the creepiest movies released over the last decade. Rather than relying on exposition dumps or contrived lore, this sleeper hit focuses on relentless scares. Because the entity constantly lumbers towards the camera, viewers instinctively put themselves in Jay's shoes, making the experience far more chilling

Due to the It being able to take any appearance, its victims (as well as the audience) don't know what form it'll take until it's too late. As a result, viewers are left constantly unsettled, knowing the It could appear at any moment.

The fact that director David Robert Mitchell can make a person walking slowly look absolutely skin-crawling, goes to show how beautifully crafted It Follows is.


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