10 Horror Movies You Must Never Pause

7. Johnny's Dummy - Night Of The Living Dead (1990)

Night Of The Living Dead 1990
Columbia Pictures

Audiences have come around to Tom Savini's 1990 remake of Night of the Living Dead in more recent years, and even if you deem it an "unnecessary" retelling of George A. Romero's zombie classic, there's no denying the superiority of legendary makeup artist Savini's gore effects.

Yet things don't get off to the most encouraging start for eagle-eyed viewers, given that Barbara's (Patricia Tallman) doomed brother Johnny (Bill Moseley) dies a most unintentionally comical death.

As he tries to protect Barbara from an attacking zombie, he's mauled and falls onto a gravestone, killing him.

But the shot where Johnny's head makes contact with the gravestone has very obviously replaced actor Bill Moseley with a dummy.

His blank, expressionless, plastic-y face and utter lack of body movement as he falls to the ground are a far cry from Johnny's visceral, human struggle mere moments earlier.

Given Savini's standing in the industry as a peerless makeup and effects artist, it's surprising he let something so thoroughly naff-looking make it into the final cut. At least most of the movie's other effects look pretty great, right?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.