10 Horror Movies You Never Knew Spawned A Trilogy

5. John Carpenter's Vampires

Ginger Snaps
Columbia Pictures

As much as the world has wished otherwise, only twice has a John Carpenter movie spawned a franchise. The first was Halloween, the second and most unlikely was his 1998 movie John Carpenter's Vampires. That's right, we can't even get a third movie about Snake Plissken, or a sequel to Big Trouble in Little China, yet we have a trilogy of vampire movies. Now, that's not to denigrate the original movie. John Carpenter's Vampires is a fantastically brutal movie about crusading vampire hunters slaying bloodsuckers in very efficient fashion. It's bloody, violent, and is pretty much a horror western. Though the movie ends with a couple of hunters driving off into the sunset to do some more vamp killing, the main story was over. Then came Vampires: Los Muertos.

The sequel arrived in 2002 as a direct to DVD release, produced by John Carpenter and starring Jon Bon Jovi in the lead role. Yes, that Bon Jovi. The movie followed a completely different set of vampire hunters, with very little reference to the original. Despite our wishes to the contrary, Vampires: Los Muertos was a painfully boring 90 minutes, and you'd think surely that would be it. History has taught us to expect otherwise.

Three years later, Vampires: The Turning arrived with its terribly dull title and even worse movie featuring bad vampires fighting good vampires in Thailand. It has nothing at all to do with the previous two movies, aside from the fact it shares the traits of being a bloodsucking parasite feasting off the juicy success of its predecessor.


Avid writer of nonsense. Can often be seen in his natural habitat watching far too many films and not enough TV. Occasionally plays on the Xbox and Megadrive whilst chastising himself for not writing more.