10 Horror Movies You Shouldn't Watch With Your Parents

1. The Last House On The Left (1972)

The Bunny Game
Hallmark Releasing

Out of all the deviant and grotty sub-genres of horror cinema to emerge from the 1970s, none are naughtier or nastier than the rape-revenge film. And none have been more controversial or impactful than The Last House On The Left.

The feature film debut that kick-started the career of the late horror legend Wes Craven, this low budget exploitation flick initially follows teenagers Phyllis (Lucy Grantham) and Mari (Sandra Cassell) who are kidnapped and taken to the woods by a gang of escaped convicts where they're subsequently humiliated and abused before being killed. Following their atrocities, the gang make the mistake of seeking refuge in Mari's home where her parents discover their actions and consequently enact their own grizzly revenge.

While the violence isn't as graphic as some of the other films listed here, the film was nevertheless deemed shocking enough to be banned in several countries; including the UK where a full cut wasn't granted classification until 2008 after being denied on multiple occasions. Hard to believe it was inspired by Ingmar Bergman's Oscar-winning film The Virgin Spring, right?

Although recognised as an influential classic, its notoriety and content still leads to an uncomfortable viewing experience unfit for family consumption.

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Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.