10 Horror Movies You Shouldn't Watch With Your Parents

2. Ginger Snaps

The Bunny Game
Motion International

No matter your age, discussing puberty or anything of a sexual nature with your parents will always be an awkward situation. For this reason alone, it's best recommended to avoid watching critically acclaimed cult favourite Ginger Snaps in their company.

The first part in what is now a trilogy, Ginger Snaps sees us meet sisters with an obsession for death and all things macabre Brigitte (Emily Perkins) and Ginger (Katherine Isabelle). However, when Ginger is mauled by what turns out to be a werewolf one night after having her first period, her body begins to go through certain changes. Namely, growing excess body hair, sprouting a tail, and developing an insatiable appetite for human flesh.

Much in the same vain Teen Wolf used Micheal J. Fox's monstrous metamorphosis into a werewolf as a not very subtle parallel for puberty, Ginger Snaps is the female equivalent, but with a lot more blood, dark humour, and a central focus on themes of sisterhood that gives this tasty horror film just as much heart as it has bite.

A genuinely fun and unique horror film, Ginger Snaps is best watched with friends as not to find yourself in any unwanted conversations with your parents.


Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.