10 Horror Movies You Won't Be Able To Sleep After Watching

6. Terrified

The Nightmare 2015
Machaco Films

The name of this movie pretty much sums up how you'll feel for the rest of the night after it's over.

In Terrified, a small town in Argentina is plagued by seemingly supernatural events. To get to the bottom things, a team of paranormal scientists and a local detective decide to spend the night in the houses with the most spiritual activity.

As a film Terrified is, to put bluntly, f*cking terrifying, and will put you on edge from the very start and keep you there long after it's over.

Much like The Conjuring, Terrified plays on horror tropes, remixing the way scares are normally done. It has its fair share of jump scares, but for the most part the movie focuses on building tension until dropping the hammer of horror right on your head. One scene in particular that stands out the most lies early in the film when a man attempts to gather evidence of paranormal activity in his home, resulting in a mission that both he and you will lose sleep over.

Then there's the way the ghosts look... yikes.

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Part-time writer, full-time Kurt Russell enthusiast.