10 Horror Movies You Won't Be Able To Sleep After Watching

5. The Nightmare

The Nightmare 2015
Zipper Bros Films

You kids ever hear of a little thing called sleep paralysis?

The 2015 documentary The Nightmare focuses on several people who have over their life suffered from the psychological phenomena known as sleep paralysis. For those unaware, sleep paralysis is when you wake up from sleep frozen, completely unable to move, and in many cases hallucinate some truly terrifying things.

For those of us who have had sleep paralysis, it's not something we'd wish on our worst enemy. For those who haven't, this documentary does a really great job of putting you into the shoes of someone who suffers from it. By the time the movie is over, you'll have your eyes forcefully pried open by what you've seen, exposing you to an entirely new world of horror you could have gone the rest of your life without knowing of.

Much of where the horror of The Nightmare comes from is the fact that we still do not know what causes sleep paralysis. The documentary gets into just about every theory, from scientific and psychology based ones to religious and supernatural ones. Whether or not you believe every theory doesn't really matter, what matters is that, as of right now at least, the phenomena defies human understanding.

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Part-time writer, full-time Kurt Russell enthusiast.