10 Horror Remakes Everyone Expected To Suck (But Didn't)

1. Quarantine

Speak No Evil James McAvoy
Screen Gems

Another horror remake that genre fans saw coming a mile off now, with 2008's Quarantine - an ultra-faithful English-language retelling of acclaimed Spanish found footage film [REC].

Impressively, Quarantine rolled cameras just two months after [REC] was released, though that certainly didn't provide much hope it'd be a considered or particularly effort-filled remake.

But honestly, the worst thing that can really be said about Quarantine is that it's reverent to a fault, offering up a beat-for-beat retelling that, to anyone happy enough to read subtitles, is basically "pointless."

Yet it's well-made, Jennifer Carpenter gives a solid lead performance, and it actually makes one smart change from the original - while [REC]'s chilling ending is immediately followed up by jarring rock music throughout its end credits, Quarantine leaves the audience to soak it all in with eerie ambient sounds.

Surprisingly despite Quarantine performing well at the box office relative to its low budget, the filmmakers never bothered remaking the other two direct sequels to [REC], opting instead to produce one standalone sequel which came and went without making a dent.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.