10 Horror Short Villains Who Deserve Their Own Movies

They say less is more, but we're greedy.

The Jester
MakeDo Entertainment

It's not entirely unheard of for horror shorts to be adapted into feature length movies. One prime example is Guillermo del Toro's love of the short film Mama which lead to him co-producing it, helping it get itself onto the big screen. Another example would be the short film that James Wan and Leigh Whannell used in order to pitch the original Saw - and whose sequels, as we all know, now comprise approximately 65% of all movies ever committed to film.

There are, however, a plethora of wonderful short horror movies out there that haven't been lucky enough to receive this treatment yet. There's also a plethora of near unwatchable garbage that we had to comb through as research for this article, so we really hope you appreciate that, kids.

Some of the movies kicking about in the former camp also boast some incredible, and terrifying, villains who deserve much more than the meagre screen time that they get in the following short movies. So here's hoping someone's paying attention and gives them the time on the silver screen that they very much deserve.

Oh, we will discuss some of the details of the movies in each entry so, fair warning, there may be some spoilers. Lucky for you, each film is up at the top so you can check them out beforehand!

10. Childer

Question for you guys: what's super creepy? That's right, children in general. What's even creepier? That's right, children who live in the forest. What's even creepier? That's right, forest dwelling children in realistic animal masks. What's even weirder than all of that? If you said hoovering grass then well done! You're both correct and also most likely in need of some psychiatric help.

Childer is already a brilliant little film. It's beautifully paced and there are precisely zero jump scares - which is always a plus in our book - and it relies solely on the building, claustrophobic tension as well as the gradual reveal of just how unhinged the mother is. Also, did we mention the super creepy kids in realistic animal masks that live in the forest?

It would be great to see this on the big screen just so the lore behind the childer can be explored in much greater depth. Yes, they're creepy as all hell and it is sort of suggested what their deal is by the end of the film, but learning more about them and letting them have more screen time would be nothing short of a blessing. A creepy, creepy, horrible, terrible blessing.

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Johnny sat by the fire, idly swirling his brandy, flicking through the pages of War and Peace, wondering whether it was pretentious to write his bio in the third person.