10 Horror Victims Who Got EXACTLY What They Deserved

1. Hanover - Deep Rising

Day Of The Dead
Buena Vista

Deep Rising kicks things off with a bunch of mercenaries prepping to rob a luxury ocean liner. To their surprise, the hijackers discover that nearly all of the passengers are dead.

After speaking with the ship's owner, Canton, the group discover the passengers were killed by a sea monster. Canton explains how this beast drinks all the fluids of its victims' bodies, forcing them to endure an unimaginably painful death.

When hijacker Joey discovers his partner Hanover being consumed by one of the creature's tentacles, he hands him a pistol so he can put himself out of his misery. Even though the pair never saw eye-to-eye, it's nice that Joey offers Hanover a quick death.

However, Hanover is such a jackass he shoots at Joey, narrowly missing him. Turning the gun on himself, Hanover accepts his fate and pulls the trigger. After hearing an anticlimactic click, Hanover realises he wasted the last bullet on Joey.

With no-one to blame but himself for his immeasurable error in judgment, all Hanover can do is let out a soul-stirring scream before being slowly consumed by the malicious sea monster.

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